How to ride an electric bike

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There are plenty of things to note when considering how to ride an electric bike. Here are some top tips to keep you safe and having fun when riding an e-bike for the first time.

Riding a bike is fun. Riding an electric bike is also fun. But despite their obvious similarities, riding an electric bike can provide a somewhat different experience to that of a normal bike, by virtue of the pedal-assist nature and, of course, its electric motor. As a result, you may have wondered how to ride an electric bike.  

Riding a bike, electric or not, is great for your health and the health of the planet, and there are few things in this world that can be both fun and impactful in such a dramatic way. 

Start slow

It's a good idea to start in a flat, open, area. Electric bikes are heavier and switching gears while not riding is more difficult because of that weight. If you can do it though, pick up the rear of the bike and turn the pedals a few times while shifting to an easy gear. Start out without assistance at all. Get the bike moving and when you feel steady and comfortable turn on the assistance. This process will help you feel in control as the assistance kicks in. 

However, it also might not be possible to shift gears and start riding without the electric assist, because of the weight of an electric bike. If you need the electric assist to get started, go ahead and use it. Be aware of the direction of the bike. Make sure it's clear, and you are going to be able to concentrate on riding. Make sure the electric assist is in the lowest setting and that you know where the brakes are. Also, make sure you know which is the front brake and the rear brake. 

Understand your brakes 

One of the first things to understand with a new electric bike is what kind of brakes you have. It's actually a good thing to look for when shopping but definitely once you have the bike take a look. Mechanical disc brakes stop because of a cable pulling the callipers closed. There is a physical connection between the brake lever and the harder you pull, the stronger the braking power. If you have hydraulic disc brakes the only connection between the lever and the caliper is fluid. 

Once you have an understanding of the brakes it’s time to check the setup. Without the bike moving, pull the brake lever. The lever should engage the calliper before it reaches the handlebar. Does the engagement happen in a place that leaves room for a light touch when you want to just slow down a little? Does it also feel comfortable to pull hard in case you need to stop in a hurry? If things don't feel just right, open the manual and look for how to make adjustments, or take it to your local bike shop. 

The next thing to check is which lever is for the front wheel and which is for the rear. You never want to use only the front lever and the strongest braking will come from using both brakes together. With less aggressive braking it's okay to use only the rear brake but make sure you know which lever controls which brake. 

Once you start riding you will want to listen for the brake pad rubbing against the disc rotor, and if there is rubbing, you may need to adjust the distance between the pads and the rotor, or the alignment of the calliper. It's also possible that the brake rotor got bent in shipping. To check for a bent rotor, spin the wheel while focusing on one spot on the brake rotor. If there's a wobble then you will need to straighten it or replace it. 

Be extra careful around cars 

Automotive traffic is an issue on any kind of bike but on an electric bike, it can be an even bigger problem. Drivers have a certain expectation about bikes and electric bikes change the equation. It's a challenge that fast-moving road cyclists also run into, but electric bikes exaggerate it even more. 

The advice is going to be the same no matter what kind of bike you are on. If you are riding with traffic then make sure you anticipate drivers not seeing you, or giving you the required space. It's not how it should be, but it is how it is. 

One way to help keep yourself safe is with a quality helmet.