E-Bike Tips and Tricks

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1. Avoid Letting Your Battery Die Entirely


A drained battery has the power to ruin a perfectly good sunny day—and we want to help you avoid that unfortunate situation as much as possible. So, we suggest getting into the habit of charging your battery after every single ride, no matter how much juice you used or how short your cruise was. Because if you let your battery fully die, it can become damaged or, in the worse case situation, totally unusable. You might even find that if you’re down to the last bar of battery (according to your display), the power output may be limited to preserve its use.


We also recommend heading out for a ride with a full battery charge, for your maximum enjoyment and safety, which is why it’s so useful to get in the habit of charging after each ride. It can take anywhere from 4 to 5 hours to get a full charge and you never want to leave your battery plugged in (and left unattended) for more than 12 hours.

Yes, your battery pack requires quite a bit of extra thought and care, but it’s worth it, since your Bluejay wouldn’t be quite as fun without it.

2. Check Your Tire Pressure Regularly

We know, this definitely isn’t a fun tip or trick. But it’s a relatively easy and quick maintenance that’ll save you a headache down the road. Because no one wants to be stranded in the middle of nowhere, on the side of the road, at the start of a huge hill, with a flat tire.

You might not find it necessary to check your tires before every ride, especially if you’re just taking a spin around the block, but it’s good to get into a regular pressure checking routine. And to make it a requirement before embarking on a really long trek.

3. Go Ahead & Use Pedal Assist On-the-Go

There’s absolutely no need to stop to adjust your pedal assist when exploring (or commuting) on a Bluejay e-bike. We designed our two wheels to offer you the smoothest, most comfortable ride possible, which is why the pedal assist controls are located right on the handlebars. That way it’s simple and easy to add or remove speed with just the press of a button while you cruise around. 

When you hit the button to adjust your speed, the power will kick in after just a pedal stroke or two. So get yourself familiar with the feeling of the added boost your Bluejay provides during your first few rides and you’ll be a pedal assist pro in no time. 

4. Nail the Smooth Stop

If you want to extend the life of your brakes and your brake pads, this is an important tip to keep in mind. Smooth, even stopping—with a light touch—will not only make for a more enjoyable ride but it’s also a good practice to ensure the health of your bike. While you should always cycle as safely as possible, it’s also best to use your brakes only when you need them and avoid hard stopping when you’re not in an emergency situation. When it’s possible, try coasting at very low speeds rather than coming to a full stop (again, only when it’s safe to do so.


This focus on better braking will also improve your e-bike’s energy levels. Think about it, if you are braking more often than you need to, you’re using a lot of energy to regain speed and get cruising once again.